"Tannery" is a place where skins of animals (whether it's fish, deer or other) are processed. Peter Ananin started his own tannery in Dundee, Scotland – using the skins of salmon to craft various products.

Logo I have created
Salmon's skin is emphasised by his scales, which also gives a rugged and handmade feel to the whole identity.

Moodboard inspired by the sea, fish and coastal colours of stones and sand.

Color palette
The website uses experimental two column layout. Custom-coded mechanism calculates the heights of opposing container grups, to align their horizontal edges and preserve overall cubic feel of the design.

Product page

Product detail
The website is fully responsive to adapt to mobile devices.

Website adapting itself to a smartphone
All the beautiful placeholder photos were provided by Ateliér Bláha – craftsman who makes leather fashion accessories.