Inka is a social network concept and it's prototype for the DCA printmaking workshop in Dundee (university work with Rich Cahill and Dean Taylor) which would encourage both people from outside to visit the workshop and the members to interact with them and each other more, sharing insights on printmaking craft, experience and artworks. I wrote an article about this project on my university blog.
Expressing the character by the blood of a printmaker - ink itself, yielding in 4 colour schemes, which are changing with each visiting user's session. A four colour logo set for printmaking oriented social network concept, made by shooting dilluted ink towards paper.
You can try the coded prototype, and switch between the colour schemes by pressing keys 1,2,3,4 (above the Q,W keys, numeric pad should work too). Also don't forget to try the expandable "Live Feed"!
Detail of an artwork. With the discussion and artist staying "next to it" (as in exhibition opening). You can view the process behind this print as well.
The website adapts down to the size for older smartphones in portait mode.